Abstract submissions are closed and results will be advised in due course.
Terms & Conditions
1. Delegates wishing to present oral presentations are invited to submit a short summary for consideration.
Results must be clearly presented in the abstract and no late abstracts will be accepted.
2. Abstract submissions to be submitted online by 15 March 2024 (Extended)
3. The Congress Scientific Committee reserves the right to select abstracts for inclusion in the programme.
4. Abstracts received will be acknowledged and the results will be via email by 3 April 2024.
5. All presenting authors are requested to register for the congress by 12 April 2024. If no registration and
payment for the congress has been received by this deadline, the presentation will not be listed in the programme.
This measure has been taken to overcome any “no-shows” disrupting the programme.
6. Please read the submission requirements carefully as abstracts submitted can not be changed later.
7. Potential or Perceived Conflict of Interest: If the research is funded (partially or fully) by a proprietary
organisation, a statement to that effect must be included at the bottom of the abstract.
8. Please note that no more than three submissions will be allowed per presenter due to possible programme limitations.
We would like to especially invite and encourage registrars and fellows to submit abstracts.
Submission Themes
Acute Care Surgery
General Surgery
Upper GIT
Basic Science - Liver
Basic Science - Lower GI
Basic Science - Upper GI
Basic Science - Misc
Clinical Science - Liver
Clinical Science - Lower GI
Clinical Science - Upper GI
Clinical Science - Misc
Abdominal Wall
Endoscopy - Misc
Minimally Invasive and Endoscopic Surgery
Upper GI
(use the grey button at the end of this document to start the process)
1. Abstract Sign In: Please sign into the Abstract Portal with your account email address and password. If you have
not yet submitted a presentation, please create a new account. The presenting author needs to create the account
as results will be sent to the account holder.
2. Contact Information: Complete the information required on the Contact Information tab.
Instructions to Author
3. Title & Presentation Type:
- Insert the full title of the proposed presentation. Title should not exceed 30 words.
- Presentation format (oral)
4. Theme & Keywords:
- Choose category you wish to submit under from the drop down menu.
5. Authors & Affiliations:
- Author(s) Affiliation
- Abstract Authors(s)
- The name of the presenting author must appear first in the list of authors
- Presenting Author Biography
6. Abstract Upload:
- Abstracts must be typed in English and a special character keyboard is available
- No graphs, figures, diagrams or tables
- All abbreviations used to be defined in full at first mention.
- The body of the text must not exceed 300 words
The abstract must adhere to the following format:
- Introduction/Background
- Aim/Objectives
- Methods (Include a statement regarding the ethics)
- Results
- Conclusion
7. Review:
- This will allow you to review your completed submission.
8. Submit:
- Before you submit your abstract you must agree to the ‘Terms & Conditions’.
Please note the following deadline dates for presenters
15 March 2023 Abstract Submissions Close
3 April 2024 Notification of Acceptances
12 April 2024 Submitters Registration Deadline
16 - 18 May 2023 ASSA SAGES & SASES at IHPBA 2024 World Congress