The congress is vetted by Med Tech Europe and is compliant.
Health & Safety file must be ready for build-up.
COC needs to be included in the H&S file if electric work is done on the booth.
Temporary Building Permit will be required for any booths built over a height of 2.9m
BDM12 must be completed by the exhibitor and exhibitor’s appointed structural engineer to be handed in to main structural engineer onsite–Click Hereto download
SANS must be completed by exhibitor and exhibitor’s appointed structural engineer to be handed in to main structural engineer onsite – Click Here to download
Rendering / Booth Drawing – Visual booth reflecting all dimensions. Please submit the rendering to Zuki Magwaxaza
Induction ProcessClick Here– The induction is done online. Once the builders come onsite, they will need to go to the container in the marshalling yard to collect their arm bands to get access to the building.
Client Manual – Terms & Conditions to review for booth builders must be reviewed before build-up – Click Here